Save a child with nowhere else to go.

Young people on the streets have no refuge from the ongoing spread of Covid-19. They are cold, hungry, alone and afraid.  

Covenant House is rescuing kids — and protecting them — during this crisis. With your support, struggling kids will receive emergency lifesaving services — food, shelter, clothing, medical care, safety and love, 24/7.


Your gift, right now, will help save lives

Donation Type


Donations made using this form will be in U.S. dollars. To make a gift in Canadian dollars, please visit Covenant House Toronto or Covenant House Vancouver.

Donate by phone: 1-800-976-7706
Donate by mail

Donation FAQs
Why donate to Covenant House?

Covenant House builds a bridge to hope for young people facing homelessness and survivors of trafficking through unconditional love, absolute respect, and relentless support. Our doors are open 24/7 in 31 cities across six countries and our high-quality programs are designed to empower young people to rise and overcome adversity, today and in the future.

Where do my dollars go?

We work to ensure every dollar you donate to Covenant House serves the children we care for as efficiently as possible. Our international work to fight youth homelessness spans 31 cities across the Americas. Covenant House's network of youth shelters provides refuge for homeless, abused, and trafficked kids – and the long-term support they need to heal.

Hundreds of kids experiencing homelessness come through our doors daily. Your gift today provides immediate crisis care and transformative services for a homeless child in need.

Is Covenant House a highly rated charity?

Independent watchdog CharityWatch includes Covenant House on its list of Top-Rated charities, which means we spend at least 75% of our budget on programs, meet CharityWatch's governance benchmarks, and receive "open-book" status for disclosure of basic financial information and documents to CharityWatch.

Charity Navigator also ranks Covenant House highly, with a score of 84.31 out of 100 overall and 97 out of 100 for accountability and transparency.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes, Covenant House is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization able to receive tax-deductible contributions year-round. Your charitable contribution will go directly toward the resources that Covenant House provides for youth experiencing homelessness right now. Our EIN/Tax ID number is 13-2725416. Our DUNS number is 07-520-9411.

How do I change or cancel a monthly donation?

Please contact us at info@covenanthouse.org or 1-800-388-3888 to speak to a member of our Donor Care team. We’ll be happy to assist you in making any changes to your one-time or monthly donation.

Are there more ways to give to Covenant House?

You can help kids experiencing homelessness in many ways.

  • Donate by Mail
    Download this form and mail it with your check or money order to the following address. Please do not send cash.
  • Donate by Phone
    To make a credit card payment over the phone, contact Donor Care at 1-800-388-3888.
  • Tribute/In Lieu of Gifts
    To make a gift, in honor or memory of a loved one, you can do so on this form and checking the Make this gift in honor or memory of someone option at the bottom of the form.
  • Planned Giving
    Ensure your commitment to Covenant House lives on for generations. View more information about the various planned giving options or contact us at 1-800-388-3888 or plannedgiving@covenanthouse.org.
  • Stocks/Investments
    To donate stocks or other investments, contact Donor Care at 1-800-388-3888.
  • Cryptocurrency
    Cryptocurrency donations are one of the most tax-efficient ways to support Covenant House. You won’t owe capital gains tax on your crypto donation and the appreciated amount can be deducted from our taxes. Donate today.
  • Vehicle Donations
    Covenant House accepts any vehicle, running and not, including cars, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, and more.

Don't see your preferred option listed here? Check out more options on our Ways to Give page, or contact us at info@covenanthouse.org or <1-800-388-3888 to speak to Donor Care

young girl experiencing homelessness
  • Your $19 monthly gift will cover 4 days of medical supplies for our healthcare teams so our youth stay safe.
  • Your $35 monthly gift will provide 2 clean, safe isolation places for our kids who may be sick or symptomatic during our national crisis.
  • Your $50 monthly gift will provide nutritious food to 5 young people in our care each day.
  • Your $100 monthly gift will provide 10 hygiene kits to ensure have tools needed to promote healthy habits.